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Piggy bank enjoys cool fall financial fortitude

September is upon us, can you feel the crisp coolness in the air?

If you're in Texas or Oklahoma ... probably not.

But either way, fall is coming! Here are seven ways you and your family can start saving money this fall!

1. Get Ready for Winter

You know the coldest months of the year are right around the corner. But if you wait until the last moment to stock up on warmer clothing, you'll run into inflated prices and smaller inventories at your favorite stores.

So go and spend a little money now on long sleeves, coats and jackets, and durable shoes and socks that will last you throughout the winter. You'll save money in the long run and learn the tremendous value of preparedness.

But don't stop at clothing. If your home isn't properly insulated or the heater in your car acts a little finicky from time to time, you should also consider fixing these problems ahead of time. Sure, the fall months are bearably chilly, but winter is a different story.

2. Be on the Lookout for False Advertising and Scams

During the fall months, many banks, businesses, and government entities begin taking stock of their respective financial well-being. That means you're very likely to receive a noticeably larger volume of letters, emails, and phone calls related to new offers and past debts.

Most of these will be totally legitimate, and you may even find some great deals or useful knowledge about your own financial future. But beware -- scam artists are fully aware of the opportunities this season provides and may try and entangle you in one of their games.

Make sure you always ask for verification, identification, or otherwise when handling your money this fall.

3. Don't Go Overboard on the Holidays ... or Football!

For many people, the fall is all about fun at home with family and friends. Not only are there lots of great holidays just over the horizon (Thanksgiving, hooray!), but plenty of weekends spent watching football!

The only problem with these events is their cost. You may be inclined to spend lots of money on hearty meals, savory snacks, and tasty beverages each and every weekend, then splurge on the big holidays.

Doing this can seriously wreck your monthly budget goals, so be sure to always ask anyone else in attendance to contribute as much as possible to make the days of merriment that much more enjoyable.

4. Plan Seasonal Meals

One of our favorite money-saving tips and ideas is to match your menu to the season. Choose recipes that use ingredients you can find everywhere in the fall, such as apples, pumpkins, and root vegetables. Any produce that's plentiful costs a lot less. 

5. Watch for Fall Sales

You can save money this fall by taking advantage of back-to-school sales and Black Friday blowouts. Wait to buy big-ticket items until these sales, and you could pay hundreds of dollars less. 

6. Try Out a Seasonal Part-Time Job

If you figure out how to make extra money in the fall, you can put anything you earn in the bank. Get a seasonal job, working at an orchard or Halloween costume store. Just a few weeks of hard work can help you earn enough to feel comfortable heading into winter. 

7. Start Planning Your Financial Goals for the Coming Year

It's never too early to plan ahead.

In the past on the Atlas Credit blog, we've discussed the importance of setting financial goals for each year and executing them to the best of your abilities throughout the year. So this fall, set some time aside to come up with the ideal financial plan that you would have liked to have followed this year. That way, you'll be better prepared for next year.

Such a guideline for your finances can only be prepared by someone with an intimate understanding of your unique financial situation -- you!

Use our seven ways to save money this fall to put yourself in a better position for the coming year. Keep checking back each week for more awesome financial tips and tricks on the Atlas Credit blog!

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