Help Build Your Health Care Savings With Atlas Credit Co. Are you trying to figure out how to save for medical expenses? Let us help you with a quick and simple personal... More
While babies can be a blessing, they're also a pretty expensive one. In the United States, the average cost of giving birth is $10,800 — and it's much pricier for individuals without... More
No one wants to discover that after dedicating years of hard work to their employers, they're suddenly being demoted or even put out of a job. However, if you identify... More
Setting a budget is the first step in making your financial goals a reality. Whether you are interested in paying off personal debts or saving up for a fun new... More
Finding a reliable lender for a loan can be challenging, especially when you're unsure about being able to pay back the loans offered to you. That's why responsible lending laws... More
When it comes to money, many of us have budgets in place and compulsively check our bank accounts to make sure we have what we need to cover our monthly expenses.But what... More
Saving money can seem like a challenging feat, especially when it feels like prices for everyday necessities are constantly on the rise. Despite the increasing cost of living, there are... More
It's tax season once again! If you've been a long time reader of the Atlas Credit blog, you're hopefully already set for a fantastic financial gain in 2020.Still, you never know... More
The Texas heat is already here and with it comes higher gas prices. Check out these nine simple tips for saving money this year on gasoline!1. Find Fuel Rewards ProgramsOne of the... More
Are your children old enough to ask for (or demand) an allowance?Many parents struggle with the concept of giving a weekly salary to their kids. After all, you are the... More